Are you DSO, ready for the future?
18 Oct 2022

Smart Energy World Summit

18-19 October 2022

Lisbon, Portugal



Presentation Mark Ossel, Board Member, OSGP Alliance, Member European Cie Coordination Group Smart Electricity Grid (CG-SEG), Senior Vice President Networked Energy Services (NES Corporation), Member IEC TC13/TC57, ETSI, CEN/CENELEC, ESMIG


Title presentation: Are you DSO, ready for the future, or even for tomorrow? Take advantage of lessons learned.


The Smart Energy World Summit is THE meeting place for technology and power companies, grid operators, and research and industry organizations from the field of smart energy.


Presentation content:

·      The Energy Transition & CEP

·      A fundamental shift is underway.. Are you ready?

·      The grid will change forever and as never before

·      Energy transition: A network’s perspective.. vision or fact

·      New players, new solutions, new risks

·      Business value for utilities

·      Meters are sensors in the network, collecting PQ information

·      Take aways